
Wednesday, August 31, 2022


 92b-96. In the city of Īśāna, in that of Rākṣasas, in the region of Yakṣas, of Gandharvas, of Indra, of Soma, of Prajāpati and of Brahmā—in these eight regions, there are eight Siddhis each. Listen to them.

They may be those belonging to the Earth, to Tejas, to Vāyu, to Ether, mind, or the intellect born of the ego. Each of them is of eight types, having each double of the previous one(?) and in due order. At the outset there are eight and in the end there are sixty-four. Listen how it is so.

There are eight Siddhis pertaining to the Earth, viz. stoutness, shortness, childhood, old age, youth, the forms of the different castes and ability to assume bodies with the help of four (elements) excluding the part of the Earth.

97-99. When the principle of Earth is conquered, these eight Siddhis occur in Aiśānya (north-east, the city of īśāna).

There are sixteen Siddhis known in the city of Rākṣasas, eight mentioned before and further eight as follows: ability to stay in water as on the ground; not being sick; he will be able to drink up the ocean; ability to get water everywhere—even dry (things) become liquid; the ability to assume body by means of the three (elements); he will be able to place rivers in his hand; absence of wounds and the splendour of the body. These are the eight (Siddhis) mentioned.

100-102a. In the abode of Yakṣas, there are twenty-four Siddhis, the sixteen mentioned before and the eight Siddhis of Tejas, viz. ability to create fire from the body; elimination of the fear of being scorched by it; ability to offer power to the worlds (people); ability to make fire burn in the middle of water; picking fire by hand; sanctifying by means of mere recollection; recreating what is reduced to ash and ability to assume body of two (elements).

102b-105. Speed and velocity of the mind; ability to penetrate other living beings; ability to bear heavy weights sportingly even of mountains etc.; lightness; weightiness; prevention (stopping) of the wind with the pair of hands; making all parts of the earth quake by touching down with the tip of fingers and ability to assume a body of a single element—these are the special Siddhis in the world of Gandharvas. There are altogether thirty-two Siddhis in the world of Gandharvas, the twenty-four mentioned before and these eight.

Listen further.

106-108a. In the world of Indra (eastern quarter) there are forty Siddhis, thirty-two mentioned before and eight Siddhis of the nature of wind, viz. production without shadow; non-perception (invisibility?) of the sense organs; ability to go through the sky; perpetual subdual of the senses etc.; perception of sound from afar; ability to understand all sounds; understanding Tanmātra symbolism; and insight into all living beings—these are the eight Siddhis.

108b-110a. Ability to acquire (everything) as desired; ability to go to any desired place; predominance everywhere; viewing of all hidden things; seeing all the world—these are the eight(?) mental Siddhis. (These are in addition to) the forty Siddhis mentioned before. These are known (as the Siddhis) in the world of Soma.

110b-111. Ability to cut; ability to heat; ability to bind; (ability of) changing the world; delighting all living beings and the victory over Death and over Time—these are the eight Siddhis(?) originating from Ahaṃkāra (Ego) in the world of Prajāpati. The Siddhis mentioned before (should also be included).

112-114. Ability to create the universe by one’s facial expression; (ability of) blessing it; power of annihilating it; the variegated functioning of the world; the explicit dissimilarity(?); extinction one by one of what is other than auspicious and the state of being the maker—these are the eight (Siddhis) originating from Buddhi (‘Intellect’). Along with the previous fifty-six Siddhis there are altogether sixty-four Guṇas (Siddhis). These function in the region of Brahmā.


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