
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Cultivating Stillness

Guided Hypnotic Meditation to Develop Psychic and Psychokinesis Abilities

Mentally move objects, influence dice, bend metal, produce visuals images on film, alter temperature,and much more. Anyone can develop PK abilities by invoking the proper techniques, practicing, starting off with small exercises and than expanding their "mind over matter" potentials.

Demonstration of the Inner Fire or Tummo Meditation

Levitation (Siddhi / Occult ability)

Real magic. Not a trick or illusion.

"Known as "tumo" in Tibet, You have got to hold fast the imagination of your body being filled with air by each breath in such a way that is resembles a balloon. Combine it at the same time with the imagination that your body is becoming lighter, as light as air itself. The sensation of lightness should be so intense that finally you do not feel your body at all. By constant practice of this experiment, adepts will succeed in producing phenomena of levitation such as walking on the surface of water, floating in the air, displacement of the body and many more, especially if one concentrates on one element only." --(Initiation into hermetics by Franz Bardon)

Occult abilities are mere side effects; you could consider them a compass for spiritual development, designated for noble purposes only, and as aids to your fellow man; that is why they are reserved only for the true adepts/masters.

