
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Spice Flair




1.Siddha system is said to have originated from Lord Siva
2.Agasthier is the guru and pioneer to propagate his system of medicin
3.The system declares that the human body is made up of five basic elements (i.e) Panchabootha theory
4.The microcosam(man) and the macrocosam (world) both are made up of 5 elements
5.When there is any adverse change in the world it results in the development of disease.
6.Diagnosis is on the basis of three doshas - Vatha, Pitha &; Kapa. i.e (air, bile &; phlegm). If they get deranged, it will result to disease.
7.Prognosis is on the basis of Siddha pharmacology. There are 8 type of Siddha investigations, mainly neerkuri &; neikuri.
8.The entire body is constituted of 7 basic principles
9.The human body is composed of 96 thatvas
10.The medicines are made using PLANTS, animals, metals &; minerals.
11.Rejuvenation which mans the power of securing the body from effects of age is the main treatment in Siddha
12.There are 32 types of internal &; external medicines
13.It treats the diseases from the root so complete cure is provided in Siddha
14.Yoga, Varma and Thokkanam are special type of treatment in Siddha System
15.It is the most effective system f medicine compared to other medicines

Siddha org in

dr merish



Wellness Center


Anatomic therapy / Tube
