
Friday, June 10, 2011

12 Siddhis and Astrology

The word. " siddhi " means " success " & the process undergone to achieve this is called " sadhana. In this case we are referring to acheiving success in all areas of human life represented by the 12 different divisions/ houses in the horoscope.

The divisions have been catagorised into 12 areas of life or 12 houses of the horoscope or 12 sun signs or 12 months or the 12 Adityas (12 suns) or the 12 thoracic vertabrae of the vertaebral column.

There are 12 petals in the anahata chakra (heart chakra) & 12 petals on the innermost circle of the sahasraar (means 1000) petalled lotus at the crown chakra at the top of the head. Shree 1008 are referring to siddhis of the crown chakra.

Actually, siddhis mean opening of the petals of the crown. Shree 108 refers to the opening of the Ajna Chakra (third eye chakra). There are 33 vertabrae representing 12 Adityas, 11 Rudras, 8 Vasus, Indra & Prajapati (progenitor of.the races of the devas, humans, animals, plants & asuras). The vertaebral column supports all visceral & organ functions of the human body. This houses the spine connected to the seven chakras of the body (actually there are 9 chakras; only those who are advanced in spiritual sadhanas awaken all nine).

12 petals at the innermost circle of the crown chakra are connected to the 12 petals at the.anahata chakra by a golden tube. how blessings are transferred from the crown to the heart & then.distributed to the hands to.transfer blessings. Activation of this.whole area confers one with siddhis the challanges.destiny the life of each person. Prayer,.spiritual sadhanas, performance of good karmas, performing remedies with the hands & feet causes this area to be activated.

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